The PC-SIG Library 10
The PC-Sig Library - Shareware for the IBM PC and Compatibles (PC-SIG)(Tenth Edition Disks 1-2804)(1991).iso
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286 lines
\[\0Dn\]00\; GANTT2 Demonstration, HITT Personal Software.
║ Welcome to GANTT.. I'll be your guide and talk to you from boxes ║
║ like this one. Press any key when you want to continue. ║
║ GANTT is designed to give you a graphic display of your schedules.║
║ First let me show you the kinds of displays you can create. ║
\L1920\d Press any key to continue.
\w\0>\,\L1840\d I pressed F4 \;
║ This is a display of the overall project schedule. ║
║ ║
║ It's a plot that displays the total job times for each ║
║ job in the project. ║
║ ║
║ All plots can be scaled from minutes to years and are ║
║ initially scaled by the program to entirely fit the space.║
\L1920\d Press any key to continue.
║ This is a detail display of the job "JOHN DOE". ║
║ Any job or resource can be selected individually.║
\L1920\d Press any key to continue. \;
─║ This task has been completed. ║
─║ This task is in process. ║
─║ This task is planned. ║
║ The scale of the plot is set by the program to ║
║ fit. You can change that selection using the ║
║ "+" and "-" keys. Watch and I'll demonstrate. ║
\w\0B\,\L1920\dUsing the - key \;
\L1840\d I pressed F8 to re-display \;
║ The program starts the plot at the first task ║
║ time. You can change that selection using ║
║ the arrow (cursor) keys to shift the window. ║
\L1920\d Press any key to continue.\;
\w\0B\,\L1920\d Using the left arrow key \;
\L1920\d Press any key to continue. \;
\w\0?\,\L1840\d I pressed F5 \;
║ This shows the accumulated job completions. It is the ║
║ kind of chart that indicates trends to upper management. ║
║ Two bars can be displayed for reference/current plan. ║
║ The scaling and windowing can be done here also. ║
\L1920\d Press any key to continue.
\w\0@\,\L1840\D I pressed F6 \;
║ This is a display of the maximum resource ║
║ levels for each of the periods. ║
\L1920\d Press any key to continue.
\[\0A\0Gmay west
\,\L1840\d I pressed F7 and entered "May West". \;
║ Displays can specify colors ║
║ for special emphasis ║
\L1920\d Press any key to continue. \;
║ They can also have foot notes so that ║
║ more data can be displayed about tasks.║
║ This character flags the footnote. ║
\0C\,\L1840\d I pressed F9. \;
\L0530\D║ This is a display of the ║
\L0610\D║ notes referenced in the ║
\L0690\D║ job schedule display. ║
\l1920\d Press any key to continue.
║ These are the function key definitions. Go ahead and try them. ║
\L1920\d When you are done, Bring me back with "Esc"\X\;
║ ║
║ ║
║ The program has been using data which was created as a print file by ║
║ ║
║ SCHEDULE. Because this data is in the standard ASCII form it is possible ║
║ ║
║ to create the data manually using a standard editor program such as the ║
║ ║
║ IBM Personal or Professional Editors. ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ SCHEDULE can create a number of different listings of the calculated ║
║ ║
║ schedules. Lets look at the file created by SCHEDULE from our "STATION" ║
║ ║
║ project example. ║
║ ║
║ ║
\L1920\d Press any key to continue\w\;
\c\d═══ Top of file ═══
TIMES: 01/02/1984 08:00 01/02/1984 16:00
01/02/84*08:00 01/02/84*08:05 CAR TO GARAGE Bring the car into the garage
01/02/84*08:05 01/02/84*08:15 DRAIN OIL Drain the old engine oil
01/02/84*08:16 01/02/84 08:25 OIL FILTER Replace the engine oil filter.
01/02/84 08:25 01/02/84 08:32 OIL Fill the engine with oil (5qt)
01/02/84 08:32 01/02/84 08:42 LUB Grease the front end.
01/02/84 08:42 01/02/84 08:48 AIR FILTER Replace the engine air filter.
01/02/84 08:48 01/02/84 08:58 CAR TO LOT Move the car to the lot.
01/02/84 08:48 01/02/84 08:48 FILTER Alt name for air filter
01/02/84 08:58 01/02/84 09:03 LOT Call the customer:Job complete
Phone 123-4567
Work number
TIMES: 01/02/1984 08:01 01/02/1990 08:01
\L1920\d Press any key to continue\w\;
\L0090\D─║ The first line specifies the job name (max 30 characters) ║
─║ The rest of the lines are scanned ║
─║ to see if they are "TIME LINES". ║
─║ These are not TIME LINES and are ║
─║ not used by this program. ║
║ ─ The program examines these ║
║ positions to determine if the record is a TIME LINE. ║
║ If the "/" and ":" characters are as shown here the ║
║ Start time --- Finish time --- Task name --- fields are used.║
║ ─ The plot character is controlled║
║ with these positions. If an asterisk "*" is in these ║
║ positions the time is actual rather than projected. ║
║ " "=Projected, "* "=Started , "**"=Completed " *"=Special ║
║ ─This position can be used to control color. ║
║ a=Blue b=Green c=Cyan d=Red e=Magenta f=Brown g=White h=Gray ║
║ i=Light Blue j=Light Green k=Light Cyan l=Light Red ║
║ m=Light Magenta n=Yellow o=Bright white ║
\L1374\D─║ This line is the job name for the next job in the project. ║\;
\d───────────────║ An ASCII 2 "", or ASCII 12 (page eject) is required to ║
\L1536\d║ separate the jobs in the project. ║
\L1374\D ║ Resource allocations always use "Activities for " as the ║\;
\d ──────────────║ first 15 characters of the name. ║
\L1536\d║ Let's look at the format for activity records. ║
\L1920\d Press any key to continue\w\;
---------------JOHN DOE ANY STREET ----
01/02/84 08:42 01/02/84 08:48 AIR FILTER Replace the engine air filter. 1
---------------MAY WEST Will wait ----
01/02/84 13:20 01/02/84 13:26 AIR FILTER Replace the engine air filter. 1
---------------JANE SMITH Phone 123-4567 ----
01/02/84 08:15 01/02/84 08:20 CAR TO GARAGE Bring the car into the garage 1
---------------ROB ROY Phone 123-4567 ----
01/02/84 08:15 01/02/84 08:20 CAR TO GARAGE Bring the car into the garage 1
---------------JOHN DOE ANY STREET ----
01/02/84 08:48 01/02/84 08:58 CAR TO LOT Move the car to the lot. -001
---------------BETTY BLUE Phone 123-4567 ----
01/02/84 08:58 01/02/84 09:03 CAR TO GARAGE Bring the car into the garage 1
---------------JANE SMITH Phone 123-4567 ----
01/02/84 09:33 01/02/84 09:43 CAR TO LOT Move the car to the lot. -001
---------------JACK JONES Call 123-4567 if any problems ----
01/02/84 09:43 01/02/84 09:48 CAR TO GARAGE Bring the car into the garage 1
---------------ROB ROY Phone 123-4567 ----
01/02/84 10:28 01/02/84 10:38 CAR TO LOT Move the car to the lot. -001
---------------MAY WEST Will wait ----
01/02/84 10:28 01/02/84 10:33*CAR TO GARAGE Bring the car into the garage 1
║ The name line must contain the words ║
║ "ACTIVITIES FOR " as the first 15 ║
║ characters. The second 15 characters ║
║ are displayed with the plot line. ║
║ The quantity of resources are specified as a four digit║────────────────
║ number in columns 77, 78, 79, and 80 of the time lines.║
║ If a note is to be displayed for any time line a flag is placed ║
║ between the ending time and the task name. ║
SCHEDULE will create the GANTT compatible files. This is done by printing
the desired files to disk and setting the lines per page option on F10
to zero.
The menu procedures will do this for you automatically.
That completes the GANTT demonstration.